• Since 2005, our office give service on Tax, Social security areas and as a Financial consultant for national and international firms


•  We always work with the aim of achieving high customer satisfaction, with Differentiated, exclusive and high quality service level.


• As a first step, with the guidance of our office we will mutually agree and decide your firms priorities and goals; than the required road map is formed by our office. Upon informing management about all the steps need to be done or changed, approval of your firm will be required before starting necessarily corrective work.


• After our service, your firm's financial systems will be fully financially reportable according to your needs. Ex. P&L, Cash Flows


•  All of our office and our business partners employers are experienced and well qualified workers.


•  Training of your accounting department especially on bookkeeping staff, is one of our main goal in order to maintain sustainable journal entrance with perfect recording.


• Our firm is currently undertaken reporting task of Turkish based companies overseas investments  such as in Spain, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Tunusia etc.


•  Establishment of new firms


•  Arrangement of the firm's accounting system and made it suitable for fully reporting and financial statements.


• Making controls On tax, social security, commercial laws and tax declaration forms.


• Approval of tax declaration forms


• Making audits for fraud, misuse, theft and also create systems and controls in order to prevent them


• Accounts Receivable and Revenue Tracking


• Organise account payable, making monthly payment schedules


• Prepairing reports for monthly, quarterly, yearly or fiscal yearly Profit & Loss tables



Auditing overseas and consolidate with HQ


• Auditing of the overseas branch, investment or firm


• Preparing regular reports for the overseas branch, investment or firm


• Preparing annual and operating reports and share with management


• Preparing of consolidated P&L tables for whole firm.



» Amortisman Sınırı
» Vergiden Müstesna Yemek Bedeli
» Emlak Vergisi Oranları
» Fatura Düzenleme Sınırı
» Kıdem Tazminatı Tavanı
» Usulsüzlük Cezalarına Ait Cetvel





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